From the Director's Chair
We sure did start the summer off right this year! Our Summer Gala was held on June 11th at the Wychmere Beach Club and "oh what a night!" Thank you to everyone who supported our annual event. We cannot thank Tom and Shelly O'Neill and their host committee, enough for all of the work that went into this year's event. If you missed this year, mark your calendars. On June 24th, 2018 you will have another chance to join us for great music, a spectacular view, fine wine, yummy hors d'oeuvres, and wonderful people all supporting the Family Pantry.
In the meantime, we still have a little more work to do! The Pantry is now distributing food every two weeks. We will test the new distribution June through August with the hope and intent of making this permanent in September. We believe having access to the Pantry every two weeks is going to be life changing for our clients. This will allow the Pantry to provide more fresh fruits, vegetables and nutritious foods so we can help to improve the lives of the people who help to make the Cape the sought after vacation spot that it is.
The summer is a busy time for our clients with many working 2 or more jobs to get by. Having access to healthy foods through the Pantry helps to stretch an already tight budget. We are grateful to be able to make this change. Stay tuned as there is always more to come. In the meantime, enjoy the summer, and if you have a couple of hours we can always use your help at the Pantry.
Be Well and Thank You!
The 6th Annual Summer Gala was a beautiful evening with a record breaking crowd, held at the Wychmere Beach Club in Harwich Port
Board Chair, Susan Adsit, presented Albert and Marion Gausz with the Founders' Award. TJX Corporation received the President's Award and was represented by Paul Jordan.
Host Tom O'Neill welcomes everyone and kicks off the event
Lynn Mogell, Representative Sarah Peake, with Bob and Mary Anderson
North Shore Acappella entertains the crowd
John and Barbara Our join the festivities
Selectman Mark Forest and MA Senator Julian Cyr
The Cape Cod Chronicle's "Helping Neighbor's"
Hunger Does Not Take A Vacation
The Cape Cod Chronicle is running a new campaign this summer to support the Pantry with the hope of providing our Summer residents the opportunity to support the Pantry. Many of our friends who are housekeepers, grocery clerks, landscapers etc. need our help to get through the long Cape Cod winters, when there is limited work opportunities.
A group of generous summer Chatham residents have banded together to match up to $55,500 in donations.
The group will match any amount from a new Pantry donor 100% and any existing Pantry donor for the amount over $500.
The Garden produces almost 7000 lbs of fresh vegetables each summer
The Family Pantry Garden is a key element in providing healthy fresh vegetables to all our clients. Garden Manager Laura McCullough leads the teams on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays planting, weeding, harvesting and packaging vegetables and herbs to be distributed to Pantry clients. Volunteers are always needed MWF from 8:00-10:30 am. Please see our website or call the Pantry for more information. Volunteer for one shift or sign up to help on a weekly basis. Groups and individuals are welcome! This is a great summer volunteer opportunity and no experience is required.
The Americorp team has helped in the garden for the past 5 years, providing critical skills and muscle!
The garden produces, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, peas, squash, lettuce, green beans, celery, radishes, cukes and a host of herbs for the Pantry clients.
Second Glance Thrift Shop
Cape Cod's Premier Thrift Shop
Second Glance offers a wide variety of products including furniture, household items, jewelry, artwork, ceramic items, decorations, lamps, kitchen gadgets, gently used clothing and so much more. Stop in at 265 Main Street in East Harwich to find your treasure.
The shop is always looking for donated items, call Carol at 508-432-0636 for information on what is accepted and to arrange for a furniture pick up.
Shop for The Hungry Campaign
We are so close to the Goal....
Your gift or pledge will do so much!
- Provide 4 meals for every dollar donated
- Increase the Pantry's sustainability by reducing the reliance on grants and donations
- Retire the debt on the Second Glance Thrift Shop
So Many to Thank..... Here are a few!
Keller Williams real estate agents from across the Cape come together to help their communities. The Pantry received over 1000 lbs of food from their efforts. Nicely Done!
100+ Women who Care - Cape Cod This unassuming organization donated almost 12,000 meals to the Family Pantry. Amazing!
Whole Foods Market in Hyannis hosted the Snacks that Give Back on June 24th and 25th. Donations were made to the Family Pantry through the purchase of designated healthy meals and snacks. The event raised $1,000 which equates to 4,000 meals for those in need. Thank You!
Citizens Bank has generously funded The Healthy Meals in Motion Mobile Food Pantry for 2017. This is the second year the Bank has made the mobile pantry a reality for the lower Cape communities of Chatham, Brewster, Eastham and Provincetown. Thank You!
There are immediate volunteer openings in the following areas. Please click the link below to submit your application to volunteer. Linda, the volunteer coordinator, will call you once she has received your application, in order to set up a tour of the Pantry and to discuss your interests.
Pantry Clothing Boutique: Shifts are available on Tues, Thurs and Sat
Mobile Pantry: Shifts are available on Wednesdays 8:00-10:30 am
Garden: Shifts available on MWF from 8:00-10:30 am
Second Glance Thrift Shop: Monday - Saturday am and pm shifts are available.
Truck Drivers: No special license required. Early morning runs to local stores, transfer stations, furniture pick ups etc. Call and ask for Jim O'Bara 508-432-6519