From the Director's Chair
Dear Friend,
The days are finally getting longer and our volunteer snowbirds are beginning to return. Whether you were near or far this winter there was plenty going on at the Pantry, and as busy as the winter was the spring is already heating up. Plans for the 8th annual Summer Gala are underway, we have a new partner at the Organic Market, and we are on track to distribute over 100,000 bags of food this year. We are so grateful to be in the position to serve all the people who walk through our doors, thanks to you!
New to the Family Pantry newsletter is a section simply called - "Did You Know." Every time someone visits the Pantry we ultimately hear " I never knew....." It may be an inquiry into how large the operation is, how many volunteers we have, how many thousands do we serve, what foods we distribute, or a host of other topics. Our goal for "Did You Know" is to inform more people about how the Family Pantry is able to meet the needs of the Cape community.
So much to share this month, enjoy and thank you,
National Volunteer Week
April 7-13, 2019
We would be lost without our volunteers. We are always so happy to partner with the Chatham Candy Manor to provide each of our volunteers with a little somethin'- somethin' to show our appreciation. Thank You All!
Homeless Prevention Council
A Case Manager is on site at the Pantry to help
Rodolfo Saldarriaga, case manager for the Homeless Prevention Council, is now on site at the Pantry every Tuesday and Thursday morning to help clients who might be struggling with housing. Rodolfo is fluent in Spanish and also is trained to assist with SNAP and Fuel Assistance applications. We are delighted to partner with the HPC to make sure our clients have information that may keep them in their homes or assist them in other housing related concerns.
Business After Hours
The Second Glance Thrift Boutique
The Mark Greel Band was a welcome addition to the evening
Board members Susan Adsit, Judy Frallicciardi and Nan Poor with Store Manager Carol Chaves
The Harwich Chamber of Commerce, with hosts Sharon Mabile and Tony Guthrie of Robert Paul Properties, held the March "Business After Hours" at our own Second Glance Thrift Boutique. Thanks to all who came out making it a lovely evening.
Announcing "Rory's Good for Good" Initiative
Fresh Produce for Those in Need
Creative Director Austin Leclaire, Executive Director Christine Menard, Owner Rory Eames, and Warehouse Manager Jim O'Bara smile with a pallet of donated produce from The Organic Market. In March we received 4.500 lbs of produce - Amazing!
Rory Eames, owner of Rory's Organic Market, reached out to partner with the Family Pantry to make fresh produce available to our clients. For every pound of weighed produce sold at the market, she will donate a pound of fresh produce to the Family Pantry. Rory and her team are committed to providing the freshest possible produce for Pantry clients. We are so grateful to have the support of "Rory's Good for Good" initiative! The partnership will help us to meet our goal of providing at least 30% of all foods distributed as fresh. Please visit their website for store locations and more information.
The Family Pantry 2019 Summer Gala Honorees
The Chatham Wayside Inn
The Cape Cod Potters
Tufts Health Plan
The Summer Gala is planned for June 9th and this year we are pleased to announce this year's honorees:
President's Award - The Chatham Wayside Inn, owners Shane Coughlin, and David & Gail Oppenheim
Founder's Award - The Cape Cod Potters - host of "Soup Bowls for Hunger"
Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Award - Tom Croswell of Tufts Health Plan

The 2019 Summer Gala Will Sell out Fast!
The Summer Gala is just around the corner and your tickets are waiting for you. We had to wait two years; but, we were finally able to book the World Premier Band for this year. Click here to reserve your tickets or to sponsor the event. The Wychmere Beach Club is a fantastic venue and it will be great to see everyone out on the dance floor. Wonderful music, open bar, heavy
hors d'oeuvres, and nice people, all in support of the Pantry. What is not to like?
Buy a "Community Bag" at Stop and Shop
The Pantry will receive a $1.00 donation/bag in May
The Stop and Shop located at Rt 39 and Rt 137 in Harwich will donate $1.00 to the Family Pantry for every "community bag" sold at the store during May. Thanks to store manager Mike Farrell and his team for picking the Family Pantry to be the recipient of this program.
Did You Know ?
We run a food pantry on the 4Cs campus!
We recognize that many people are not aware of the many components which make up the Family Pantry; therefore, we have decided for the next several editions to dedicate an article highlighting areas which shape the Pantry into what it is today.
This month we are highlighting our satellite location, The Family Pantry of Cape Cod Community College, in West Barnstable.
Students, Faculty, Staff and Parents of the on-site day care are invited to take advantage of the Family Pantry at Cape Cod Community College.
Kelly Brox, Manager, The Family Pantry of CCCC
A 2018 survey, released by the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, confirmed that 47% of MA community college students and 39% of MA public university students reported they could not afford to eat a balanced meal. The cost of attending college is not affordable for many and a critical expense that is typically not covered in financial aid packages is a student meal plan. In addition to exorbitant tuition costs, students are paying for housing, transportation, utilities, books, internet access, insurance, dental and vision expenses, and other non-tuition school costs. Food is often the first necessity which is compromised.
The students at CCCC are encouraged to utilize the Pantry as they do the library or tutoring center, as just a perk of being a CCCC student. The Pantry also supplies students and other CCCC offices with abundant amounts of granola bars and healthy snacks to help students get through their day.
The Pantry serves students, faculty, staff, and family members of the Children's College. Registration is quick and easy, clients only need to present their current CCCC ID and a second form of ID to qualify, there is no financial qualification. Clients choose their items and receive a generous bag of non-perishable food each week.
The Family Pantry of CCCC is located in the lower level of the Fitness Center in PE-G13. Hours are Monday 9:30-12:30, Tuesday 10-2:30, and Wednesday 9-Noon. (The Pantry follows the college schedule regarding holiday and inclement weather closings.) To reach the Pantry call 508-362-2131 ext. 4365, email:, or follow them on Facebook: thefamilypantry@CCCC.
A wide variety of non perishable foods and HBC items are available!
Special events like the Thanksgiving Turkey Day are held annually
Kathy and Anne at registration
Campus food drives help keep the shelves stocked!
The Pantry is easy to find
Some of The Family Pantry of Cape Cod Community College Volunteers
Bob and our smallest visitors
Anne and Sherry are ready to help
JB and Maura spread the word
ED mans the popcorn machine at Halloween
Become a Bag A Month Ambassador!
The Bag A Month Ambassador program makes it very easy for you to support the Family Pantry on a monthly basis, and helps us to budget more effectively. It is so easy to donate either $25, $50, $75 or $100 each month through an automatic payment set up on our website at Please take a minute to visit our website and set up your monthly donation. No checks to write and we will send you an acknowledgement just in time for tax season.
So Many to Thank..... Here are a few!
The Hyannis Rotary donated $4,150 to the Family Pantry food program. Jennifer Lutz and Jitka Borowick with Executive Director Christine Menard. This is the second consecutive year the Hyannis Rotary has supported the Pantry. Thank You!